Why is it that when I scrapbook at home, I can pound out page layouts pretty quickly, usually able to create at least three layouts in an evening, and when I go away for the weekend, I seem to be in a non-productive mode? Maybe because when I'm at home I have nothing to compare my work to, so whatever it is, it is. When I get with my friends, I'm distracted by what they are doing and I never seem to think my work is up to par. I was scrapbooking all weekend, beginning Friday morning at 10:00am until Sunday at around 1:00pm, and guess how many layouts I completed? I have to say, this was the most unproductive scrapbooking weekend that I can ever remember. I completed a whopping 7 layouts. Yep, you heard me right! Of course, I guess I have to compare my being home alone in my scrapbook room, to being out with amazing friends, that keep me laughing all weekend. I would have had just as much fun not scrapbooking and just hanging out with the girls. I think what may also help next time is to to keep the Bailey's Irish Cream and laptop at home! Yeah...like that will happen!!
Here is a sample of what I did;
Love me some American Crafts!