Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Non-Productive Weekend????

Why is it that when I scrapbook at home, I can pound out page layouts pretty quickly, usually able to create at least three layouts in an evening, and when I go away for the weekend, I seem to be in a non-productive mode? Maybe because when I'm at home I have nothing to compare my work to, so whatever it is, it is. When I get with my friends, I'm distracted by what they are doing and I never seem to think my work is up to par. I was scrapbooking all weekend, beginning Friday morning at 10:00am until Sunday at around 1:00pm, and guess how many layouts I completed? I have to say, this was the most unproductive scrapbooking weekend that I can ever remember. I completed a whopping 7 layouts. Yep, you heard me right! Of course, I guess I have to compare my being home alone in my scrapbook room, to being out with amazing friends, that keep me laughing all weekend. I would have had just as much fun not scrapbooking and just hanging out with the girls. I think what may also help next time is to to keep the Bailey's Irish Cream and laptop at home! that will happen!!

Here is a sample of what I did;

Love me some American Crafts!

I mixed Theresa Collins and Adornit for this layout of Kelly.

And, of course, Cosmo is always great to work with!


AnnaMarie said...

You got 7 amazing layouts done...and had a lot of fun. Well worth it! :) I have been in dire need of inspiration to get me going with scrapping again. The sunshine and kids are keeping me out all day, and I'm not really thrilled about the projects I have going right now, so I'm having a hard time being inspired. Thanks for sharing yours! I really like your slide show thing on the right sidebar!

Carla said...

i do this all the time, and 7 is a good no, I think the most i ever get done in a weekend is like 5. My problem is probably everything being OUT of place and packed away and having to dig for stuff and being CRAMPED. When Im home I know where everything is and its all organized. Sometimes I HATE going to crop for this reason alone, but I love going to socialize!

Katherine said...

It's not about the scrapbooking, it is about the Bailey's, I mean girl time. Make sure to bring some in April. I want to be unproductive too! The layouts are great. Love the picture of Kelly.

Gail said...

SEVEN LAYOUTS! I would be thrilled with that! I usually average 1 layout per day at a crop! BTW, these are amazing!